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business advisory services

Integrating the gender perspective in business activities contributes to visibilize situations that are commonly considered to be correct due to being culturally accepted and normalized.


In our consulting and business advisory programs we offer services related to the transversalization of the gender perspective which apply to different areas within companies and enterprises.


-  Development of internal policies, plans, processes and/or statistics in general with a gender perspective in order to improve decision-making in companies.
- Training in the company's facilities on gender related issues and their relevance in the working environment.
- Training of the staff in different hierarchical levels regarding the management of work teams, labor relations, as well as solution and prevention of conflicts with a gender perspective.
- Institutionalisation of initiatives in favour of gender equality in the workplace.
- Advice on the implementation of measures that promote a suitable working environment for both genders.
- Development of strategic plans with a gender perspective.
- Consultancy and support in related certifications.

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